Keeping Sane When Your Kid’s Activity Times Clash

I feel like this week is going to be a mess. With school ending, spring activities ending, summer activities starting, and the craziness that is our schedule, this is going to be a tough one. Last week swim team practice every afternoon started, dance recital is this weekend, dress rehearsal is Wednesday, swim lessons Thursdays, Cycling starting soon, 1st Grade musical  – – and this is only one kid – The other is too little! Here are some quick tips on keeping sane when your kids’ activity times clash.

  1. Plan dinner

    This is a must. Otherwise, everyone is having a bowl of cereal of PB&J for dinner – – not that there is anything wrong with that – – but it gets old after a few days. Take this as an opportunity to try that new crockpot or instant pot recipe that you have been eyeing up. Or, if you know the family is picky, choose a recipe you know they love – so you don’t add whining about dinner to your stress level. Another option is to put something on the grill, since cook times on the grill are up to 50% shorter and the cleanup is FAR less.

  2. Ask for help

    This is why we have friends right? To help each other out when we need it. If you have more than one child that needs to be in a different place at exactly the same time, this is your chance to call in a favor to your friend. Ask her to drop off or pick up your child from an activity – especially if her own child is going to be there as well. Here’s the most important thing though: I always tell me friends that I don’t keep score. I keep no running tally of who helps who more or how many times we help each other out. I need you and you need me. Even if it’s not completely even-stevens right now, I am going to REALLY need you or you’ll REALLY need me and we will be there for each other.

  3. Prioritize

    Sometimes, you are going to have choose what is the most important activity. If one activity overlaps with another, choose the one that is ending sooner. Or choose the one that is more important. Just choose one and don’t feel bad about it. There is only so much you or your child can do. You are actually teaching your child an important lesson when explaining which activity you are choosing to go to and why. Decision making is hard, but it has to be done.

  4. Lower your expectations

    This week/2 weeks/month is hard. You have a lot to do and not the most time to do it in. And when you are home and the dishes or laundry is piled, you are exhausted from running around. I’m not saying to abandon all sense of life as you know it, but, seriously, life will be ok for a few days without being perfect. The time to get through this is finite. You can breathe a sigh of relief on the other side.

Good luck getting through the next few weeks!

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