Do I Need a Registry For Baby #2?

I got asked recently if it made sense to open a baby registry for baby number two. I can see where it would feel a little awkward and indulgent to assume people want to buy another gift for you. Especially when you may have just had a baby shower for baby #1. But let me give you a few good reasons why the answer to “Do I need a Registry for Baby #2?” is YES!

In my family, we have taken to having a Sprinkle (or small Baby Shower) for each new baby. It has been as small as five of us going out to dinner and as big as a lunch at my mom’s house for about twelve ladies. We believe that every child is a gift and should be celebrated. Plus, we all love a good get-together to chit chat. When we had my sprinkle for baby #2 (the 12 person lunch), people asked me what I needed for #2.  I was a little hesitant to set up a registry, but your friends and family will love the direction to know what you like and what baby needs.


A lot of what would go on your new baby’s registry depends on the age gap between this child and your previous child. Any items that child #1 is no longer actively using is fair game to use for #2. For example, there is an age gap of 5 years between my two children. Obviously, I didn’t need a second crib because child #1 no longer uses it. But if you, say, had 2 children in 2 years, it’s REALLY possible that you are going to need a second crib.

In my case, I also needed a new infant car seat. Mine was set to expire right after my second child was born. You might also be in need of an infant carrier with a very small age gap. In that case, I would definitely opt for a convertible car seat for the older child and put the newborn in the infant carrier.

Because of the gap between my kiddos, there were also new products available that weren’t there for #1. Can you imagine life without a “Rock and Play?” Yup, didn’t exist when I had #1. I was very grateful to have received one for #2, as it’s a great newborn snooze location.

A great item to register for if you have a small age gap is a double stroller. It’s a big item, but several friends/family could split the cost or perhaps contribute to the cost.

One of the most important things on any baby registry (in my professional opinion) is a sound machine for baby’s room. This is something that I needed to buy new for #2’s room because #1 is still using hers. Seriously, they are the best invention ever.


Being a seasoned mommy expert, you probably already know which baby toiletries you like. Maybe you like a certain brand of disposable diaper (For me: Pampers Swaddlers) or diaper cream (me: Triple Paste). Add all of you favorite brands to your registry. Items like: Diapers, lotions, creams, shampoos, soaps, pacifiers, & wipes. Add pain relief like infant Mortin, Tylenol, and Gas Drops for future teething pains. These are all small things that you will definitely need.

Where to Register

Both Amazon and Target have great products and offer benefits for signing up.

The Amazon Baby Registry benefits include:

  • Largest Selection: Amazon has millions of products to fill your house with all the right baby things.
  • Mobile Registry: Manage your Amazon Baby Registry on any device whenever—and wherever—you want.
  • Universal Registry: Add products from any website to your Baby Registry with the Amazon Assistant.
  • 90-Day Returns: Return items for up to 90 days after your baby’s arrival date.
  • Completion Discount: Get a one-time 10% discount (15% for Prime members), compliments of Amazon Family, on select remaining items from your registry. 
  • Free Welcome Box: Qualifying customers can receive a free welcome box with items for parents and baby, valued up to $35.
  • Prime Member Limited Time Offers: Prime member Baby Registrants are eligible for additional rotating limited time offers delivered via the Exclusive Offers area of your registry.

The Target Baby Registry benefits include:

  • Great Brand Names: All the brands you know and love with the convenience of stores nationwide.
  • Welcome Kit: pick up your gift at Guest Services for $50 worth of coupon & handpicked samples
  • Completion Discount: 15% discount on everything left on your registry after the big day
  • Easy Returns: Easy returns and exchanges up to a year after your due date
  • Universal Registry: Add the items you want from other websites.
  • Gift Tracking: See who gave you what, and who you’ve already thanked
  • Group Gifting Tools: Makes it easy for guests to contribute toward larger items.

Even if you end up not sharing your registry with many people (or anyone at all), you can still benefit from the completion discounts and the welcome gifts.

Note: Amazon requires that you spend at least $10 on your registry in order to qualify for the discount and gifts but they don’t care if  you are the one who spends the $10 or someone else.

Did you open a registry for baby #2+? What did you put on it that was helpful?


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